China Bus Station Guide

Travel from Baiyun Airport to Hong Kong

Can I travel by train from Baiyun Airport Guangzhou to Hong Kong and if yes how do I do this? Do I need to buy tickets online or before I arrive at Baiyun Airport?


Direct train or bus is not available between Guangzhou Baiyun Airport and Hong Kong. I can provide two transportation options for you:


In this way, you should firstly take subway line 3 from Baiyun Airport to Guangzhou East Train Station and transfer to a train there to transport from Guangzhou to Hong Kong. Check the link in related article column to find train schedule from Guangzhou East Railway Station to Hung Hom Station in Hong Kong.


You can take airport express line 5 to Dongfang Hotel station (ticket cost is RMB 16 Yuan). In its neighbourhood, you can find a hotel named as Marriott China Hotel Guangzhou, where you can find direct bus to Hong Kong. The first bus leaves Marriott China Hotel Guangzhou at 05:30, buses for Hong Kong are available almost every half an hour until night time.

Unfortunately, I don’t know its actual price for bus ticket from Marriott China Hotel Guangzhou to Hong Kong. Guangzhou to Hong Kong train tickets are not sold online neither.

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