China Bus Station Guide

Kangding Bus Station

Name: Kangding Bus Station
Chinese Name: 康定汽车站
Address: No. 108, Love Song Avenue, Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture
Chinese Address: 甘孜藏族自治州康定市情歌大道108号
Telephone: 0086-836-2822211. Please note, the operator speaks Chinese only.

Kangding Bus Station
Kangding Bus Station

Kangding Bus Station locates to the next door of Kangding Lam-ze Lin-ka Hotel. It's the only bus station that you can travel from/to Kangding which makes the bus station much busy and crowded.
Buses from Chengdu to Daocheng and Tibet region use Kangding as the first stop. It's also used as an interchange station to many travelers. The entrance to the bus station is always mobbed with scalpers selling unlicensed bus tour and ect. Please don't take any notice of them unless you really want to make business with them.

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